马聆桦, 李江恒, 钟柳育, 黄永全, 朱茂灵. 高龄孕产妇临床特征及孕检对妊娠风险的影响[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2022, 26(9): 50-53. DOI: 10.7619/jcmp.20214722
引用本文: 马聆桦, 李江恒, 钟柳育, 黄永全, 朱茂灵. 高龄孕产妇临床特征及孕检对妊娠风险的影响[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2022, 26(9): 50-53. DOI: 10.7619/jcmp.20214722
MA Linghua, LI Jiangheng, ZHONG Liuyu, HUANG Yongquan, ZHU Maoling. Clinical characteristics of pregnant woman in advanced maternal age and effect of pregnancy tests for pregnancy risks[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, 2022, 26(9): 50-53. DOI: 10.7619/jcmp.20214722
Citation: MA Linghua, LI Jiangheng, ZHONG Liuyu, HUANG Yongquan, ZHU Maoling. Clinical characteristics of pregnant woman in advanced maternal age and effect of pregnancy tests for pregnancy risks[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, 2022, 26(9): 50-53. DOI: 10.7619/jcmp.20214722


Clinical characteristics of pregnant woman in advanced maternal age and effect of pregnancy tests for pregnancy risks

  • 摘要:
      目的  探讨高龄孕产妇临床特征及高龄、孕检对妊娠合并症或并发症的影响。
      方法  选取南宁市6个城区111 804例孕产妇,按照年龄划分为低龄组(年龄<35岁)和高龄组(年龄≥35岁),回顾性分析孕产妇临床特征、妊娠合并症或并发症等资料。
      结果  高龄组孕早期检查和孕检次数≥5次者占比低于低龄组,而孕次≥3次、经产、剖宫产史、人工或自然流产≥3次、辅助生殖技术受孕、多胎、孕期接触可疑致畸物质、重度高危妊娠者占比高于低龄组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,高龄是妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、甲状腺功能亢进或低下、贫血、卵巢或子宫肿瘤、子痫前期、胎盘早剥、前置胎盘、胎膜早破、胎位异常、产后出血、羊水过多的危险因素(P<0.05); 孕检次数≥5次是高龄孕产妇胎盘早剥和胎膜早破的保护因素(P<0.05)。
      结论  高龄能增加妊娠合并症和并发症的风险,临床应加强高龄孕产妇围产期保健管理工作。


      Objective  To investigate the clinical characteristics of pregnant woman in advanced maternal age and the effect of advanced maternal age and pregnancy tests on comorbidity and complications of pregnancy.
      Methods  A total of 111 804 pregnant women from six urban areas of Nanning City were selected and divided into low maternal age group (age<35 years old) and advanced maternal age group (age≥35 years old). The clinical characteristics, pregnancy comorbidity or complications of pregnant women were analyzed retrospectively.
      Results  The proportions of cases with early pregnancy examination and number of pregnancy tests ≥5 in the advanced maternal age group were significantly lower than those in the low maternal age group, while the proportions of cases with number of pregnancy ≥3, history of childbirth, history of cesarean section, artificial or spontaneous abortion ≥3 times, reproductive technology assisted pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, exposure to suspicious teratogenic substances during pregnancy and severe high-risk pregnancy were significantly higher than those in the low maternal age group (P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that advanced maternal age was the risk factor for gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, anemia, ovarian or uterine tumors, preeclampsia, placental abruption, placenta previa, premature rupture of membranes, abnormal placenta, postpartum hemorrhage and amniotic fluid, while pregnancy tests ≥5 times was the protective factor for placental abruption and premature rupture of membranes in pregnant women with advanced maternal age (P<0.05).
      Conclusion  Advanced maternal age can increase the risk of pregnancy comorbidity and complications, so we should strengthen the perinatal health care management services for pregnant women with advanced maternal age.


