朱艳. 分娩镇痛和剖宫产率的相关性研究及其对手术室护理工作的影响[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2011, (22): 143-144. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2353.2011.22.072
引用本文: 朱艳. 分娩镇痛和剖宫产率的相关性研究及其对手术室护理工作的影响[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2011, (22): 143-144. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2353.2011.22.072
ZHU Yan. Labor analgesia and cesarean section rate and its correlation to the impact of operating room nursing[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, 2011, (22): 143-144. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2353.2011.22.072
Citation: ZHU Yan. Labor analgesia and cesarean section rate and its correlation to the impact of operating room nursing[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, 2011, (22): 143-144. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2353.2011.22.072


Labor analgesia and cesarean section rate and its correlation to the impact of operating room nursing

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨分娩镇痛与剖宫产率的相关性及其对手术室护理工作的影响.方法 在“一对一”导乐陪伴下,对146名产妇实施腰硬联合阻滞镇痛分娩.结果 镇痛效果满意,无不良反应发生,分娩镇痛率与剖宫产率呈负相关,有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 对无剖宫产指征的产妇,适时实施分娩镇痛可有效降低剖宫产率,减轻手术室护理工作强度,确保落实优质护理服务,提高患者满意度.


