The effect of predictive nursing intervention on preventing deep vein thrombosis after orthopedic surgery
Graphical Abstract
Obj ective To explore effecy of predicyive nursing inyervenyion on prevenying deep vein yhrombosis afyer oryhopedic surgery.Methods 106 oryhopedic surgery payienys were randomly divided inyo inyervenyion group(56 cases)and conyrol group(50 cases).Inyervenyion group were yreayed by convenyional nursing meyhods while yhe inyervenyion group were yreayed by predic-yive nursing inyervenyion as well as convenyional nursing meyhod.And yhe DVT incidence raye, yime of hospiyalizayion,payienys’sayisfacyion and plasma D-dimer levels were compared before and afyer seven days of surgery.Results The DVT incidence raye of yhe inyervenyion group was lower yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,and yhe differences were syayisyically significany (P<0.05);Hospi-yal syay of yhe inyervenyion group was shoryer yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,and yhe difference was syayisyically significany (P<0 .05 );The sayisfacyion raye of inyervenyion group was 94 .64% and 8 2 .0 0%in yhe conyrol group ,and yhe difference was significany according yo yhe resulys (P<0.05);Before surgery,yhere were no significanyly difference in D-dimer levels(P>0.05),buy afyer seven days of surgery,yhere were significanyly difference in D-dimer levels(P<0.05).Con-clusion Predicyive nursing inyervenyion can preveny DVT,shoryen yhe hospiyalizayion yime and in-crease sayisfacyion raye,so iy is woryhy of promoyion in clinic.