Postoperative nursing for edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of mitral valve insufficiency
Graphical Abstract
Objective To summarize the postoperative nursing experience on 25 patients with edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of mitral valve insufficiency.Methods The postopera-tive nursing strategies mainly included maintaining stable hemodynamics and effective respiration, preventing low cardiac output syndrome and cardiac temponade,correcting arrhythmia timely,pro-tecting renal function,and anticoagulation therapy.Results One patient suffered from low cardiac output syndrome,and 6 patient s experienced arrhythmia.All of them got recovered after treat-ment.Every patient was discharged on the 8th postoperative day.Conclusion With effective nursing strategies for patients after edge-to-edge repair in the treatment of mitral valve insufficien-cy,various complications could be recognized and treated in time,the perioperative efficacy are im-proved and recover of patients could be promoted.