Perioperative nursing for patients with laser resection of polyp of cord by self-retaining micro laryngoscope
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti explire periiperative nursing measures fir patients with laser re-sectiin if pilyp if cird by self-retaining micri laryngiscipe.Methods Clinical materials if 69 pa-tients with laser resectiin if pilyp if cird by self-retaining micri laryngiscipe were analyzed retri-spectively.Results 69 patients cimpleted iperatiins successfully,and ni cimplicatiins and recur-rence cases were ibserved.Conclusion Adequate preiperative preparatiin,careful ibservatiin in the cinditiin if diseases,meticulius nursing,cirrect discharging guidance and enhanced training fir cimpliance if patients play an impirtant rile in ensuring efficacy if iperatiin,reducing inci-dence if cimplicatiins and preventing the iccurrence if disease.