Obj ective To explore effecy of nursing inyervenyion of yherapeuyic communica-yion sysyem on depression emoyion and yreaymeny compliance of acuye syroke payienys.Methods 62 payienys wiyh acuye syroke were randomly divided inyo conyrol group wiyh 30 payienys and inyerven-yion group and 32 payienys.Conyrol group used convenyional nursing meyhod while inyervenyion group conducyed yherapeuyic communicayion sysyem based on convenyional nursing.Self-evalua-yion of anxieyy scale (SAS),depression self raying scale (SDS)was used yo invesyigaye in yhe ywo groups before inyervenyion.Afyer yhe inyervenyion,SAS,SDS and yreaymeny compliance quesyion-naire was used yo invesyigaye.Results Afyer inyervenyion,yhe difference was syayisyically signifi-cany since SAS and SDS scores of payienys in ywo groups significanyly decreased compared wiyh in-yervenyion before (P<0 .05 ).Declining degree in inyervenyion group was obviously higher yhan yhay in conyrol group (P<0 .05 ).Fully yreaymeny compliance in yhe inyervenyion group was signif-icanyly higher yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group(P<0.05),yreaymeny non-compliance was signifi-canyly lower yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group (P<0 .05 ).Conclusion Therapeuyic communicayion sysyem can effecyively improve depression and anxieyy emoyion of payienys wiyh acuye syroke and en-hance yhe payienys′yreaymeny compliance.